
System Modeling for Transboundary Groundwater Resilience - Self Paced



Full course description

Duration: 6 Weeks to Complete

This course introduces system dynamics modeling for the analysis of groundwater sustainability issues. Transboundary groundwater systems are dynamically complex; models can aid us in the design and management of these feedback-rich, coupled human-environment systems. Participants will have the opportunity to provide feedback on various aspects of the course such as content, assignments, and learning materials. This input will help enhance the course's learning objectives and improve engagement for future student participation.

Course Goals

  • To improve understanding of how the causal relationships that make up the structure of the system generate certain behaviors and how our actions can influence and impact transboundary groundwater systems over time.
  • To learn how to model dynamic problems in groundwater management by applying concepts such as stocks and flows, nonlinearity, feedback, and delays.
  • To know how system modeling can aid policymaking and research for transboundary groundwater resilience.
  • To identify how system modeling can advance transboundary groundwater resilience

This course is part of the Transboundary Groundwater Resilience (TGR) Network of Networks project, which is supported by the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) AccelNet program through award #2114718. Learn more about TGR at TGR NMSU Website 

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